Ace the South Dakota Security Guard Test 2024 – Step Up, Stand Out, and Serve!

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While working as a Security Guard you are patrolling the perimeter of the property. You come across an apparent crime scene. What is the first thing you should do?

Cordon off the area, contain the scene, keep bystanders away and call for the police

When coming across an apparent crime scene, the first thing a security guard should do is to cordon off the area, contain the scene, keep bystanders away and call for the police. This is the most important step in preserving the integrity of the crime scene and ensuring the safety of everyone involved. Calling 911 is a good option, but it is not the immediate action that should be taken. Identifying witnesses and collecting evidence are important steps, but they should be done after the scene has been secured and the police have been notified. Putting up caution tape and taking photographs and diagrams are also important steps, but they should come after the initial containment of the scene.

Call 911

Identify witnesses, interview them and prevent them from leaving

Put up caution tape, photograph the scene, draw diagrams and collect physical evidence


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